Conference 2008 - Linköping
Linköping, Sweden, 10-13 May 2008.
Proceedings will start at 4 pm, Saturday 10th and will be finished at noon, Tusday 13th of May.
Main topics
- Brain tumours
- Ethics
- Longterm follow up care – how might we deliver what's needed?
- Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting - treatment guidelines and assessment
NOBOS wishes to thank all participants, lecturers, and the organizing committee working at the 2008 Congress in Linköping.
Take a look at the programme for the proceedings and social activities at the NOBOS Congress. Last update: 26 April.
Friday 9 May, 2008
08.00-10.00 Registration at Linköping Konsert & Kongress Center
18.00-20.00 Registration at Linköping Konsert & Kongress Center
Working group meetings:
14.00-19.30 SIBO Board meeting
16.00-19.30 NOBOS Board meeting
Saturday 10 May, 2008
08.00-18.00 Registration at Linköping Konsert & Kongress Center
Working group meetings:
08.00-17.00 SIBO Board meeting
08.00-11.00 NOBOS Board meeting
11.00-12.00 NOBOS/NOPHO board meeting
12.00-17.00 SNOBOS Board meeting
17.00-18.00 We would like all nurses too meet at Linköping Konsert & Kongress before the big Welcome greetings
18.00-20.00 Get-together at Linköping Cathedral.

Sunday 11 May, 2008
08.00-16.00 Registration at Linköping Konsert & Kongress.
08.30-09.00 Opening ceremony
09.00-10.30 Joint session with NOPHO:
Ethics lecture
Sponsored by Barncancerfonden
Chairpersons: Britt-Marie Frost and Anders Castor
Nils-Eric Sahlin, Department of Medical Ethics, Faculty of Medicine Lund, Sweden
Mats G Hansson, Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics, Uppsala Sciences Park, Sweden
10.30-11.10 Break and refreshments
11.10-12.30 Ethics lecture (cont.)
12.30-14.00 Lunch Symposium:
Busilvex®, sponsored by Pierre Fabré, Guest speaker Gilles Vassel.
14.00-14.15 Welcome speech by NOBOS Chairman, Sigrún Þóroddsdóttir
14.15-15.00 Longterm follow up care ? how might we deliver what?s needed?
Dr Faith Gibson, Senior Lecturer in Children's Cancer Nursing Research, UCL Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust, London UK.
15.00-15.30 Coffee break and Poster-time
15.30-16.30 Round tables
- Late effect and long-time follow up
- Ethics
- Siblings
- Nutrition with gastrostomy and CVC care
- Security related to Chemotherapy
17.00-17.30 Bus to...
17.30-22.30 An evening at the Swedish countryside! (Only NOBOS-participants)
Monday 12 May, 2008
06.30-09.00 "Fun and Run" alongside river Stångån
09.00-09.45 Brain tumours
Birgitta Lannering, Queen Silvia Children´s Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
Nurses from all Nordic countries about brain tumours:
10.00-10.15 Anne Nevakare from Kuopio University Hospital, Finland
10.15-10.45 Break with refreshments and poster presentation
10.45-11.00 Sigrún Þóroddsdóttir from Landspítali in Reykjavik, Iceland
11.00-11.15 Lise Lotte Hoel from Rikshospitalet in Oslo, Norway
11.15-11.30 Mette Wested from Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark
11.30-11.45 Charlotte Faström Castor from Lund University hospital, Sweden
11.45-12.00 Nursing guidelines for PNET/Medulloblastom. Annacarin Pal from Astrid Lindgren Children's hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
12.00-14.00 Lunch Symposium: Carmel Pharma
13.00-14.00 NOBOS Board meeting with organization committee for the next meeting.
14.00-14.20 Maria Olsson ?Adolescents with a cancer disease ? close relations and emotional wellbeing.
14.20-14.40 Margareta Nolbris ?Thoughts about life, death and grief related to the experience of being the sibling of a child with cancer?
14.40-15.00 Kay Sundberg ?What consequences of childhood cancer do young adult survivors consider important??
15.00-15.40 Break with refreshments and poster presentation
15.40-16.00 Margareta af Sandeberg ?Health-related quality of life relates to school attendance in children on cancer treatment?
16.00-16.30 News from the NOBOS board
16.30-17.30 National meetings
19.30-01.00 Gala Dinner (NOBOS/NOPHO) at Östergötland County Museum
Tuesday 13 May, 2008
09.00-09.45 Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting - treatment guidelines and assessment
Sussanne Börjeson R.N, Senior Lecturer in Oncology Nursing at Linköping University Hospital
09.50-10.10 Hilde Hauge ?SISOM: An Interactive, graphical Symptom Assessment Tool for Children with Cancer?
10.10-10.40 Break with refreshments
10.40-11.00 Margit Bjergegaard and Inger Bording Homogeneous evaluation of pain in children using the Visual Analogue Scale
11.00-11.20 Pernilla Pegert Protecting ones interest in care a grounded theory from interviews with foreign-born parents in childhood cancer care.
11.20-11.40 Eva Mårtenson To find trust in a paediatric nursing care situation.
Presentation from Tromsö
Closing times!
Collection of the and evaluating forms
Lunch here or there - lunchbox
12.30-14.00 NOBOS board meeting
Thank you for taking your time to read this! We hope to meet you at the conference!
On behalf of the NOBOS organization committee in Linköping
Birgitta Hellström, Mari Fransson, and Marie Sandgren